Nov 8, 2013

How to set a startup message for AX

1) Start  ==> ControlPanel ==>Adiministrative tools ==> Microsoft dynamics AX configuration
2) General tab , in start up message box , enter the message which we want to display ==> Ok

Infolog Msgs

SysInfologMessageStruct msgStrct;
msgStrct = SysInfologMessageStruct::construct("test");

How to get query through code ?

static  void  TestQuery(Args _args)
       AifInboundPort                 aifInboundPort;
       Query                               query;
       QueryBuildDataSource     queryBDS;
       QueryRun                         qr;
       query =  new Query(queryStr("AifInboundPortQuery"));
    // queryBDS = query.dataSourceTable(tablenum(AifInboundPort)); // Optional
       qr = new QueryRun(query);

       while (
          // aifInboundPort = qr.get(tableNum(AifInboundPort));
             aifInboundPort = qr.getNo(1);
