Jan 25, 2012

Classes & methods that can be created in X++ and their differences.

The different kinds classes in AX are as follows:

1 Application classes - we implement them in X++, and they are located at AOT --> Classes.

2 System classes (or kernel classes) - They are implemented in C++. The source for these classes is not available in AX.
Ex :- xSession , xApplication ,xCompany ,xInfo ,xClassFactory ,xGlobal ,xVersionControl

3 Application substituted kernel classes are extensions of system classes.
EX :- Session , Application ,Company ,Info ,ClassFactory ,Global ,VersionControl

Object methods can only be activated by an object that has been

instantiated from the specific class. An object method is called as


Class_name ref_name = new Class_name ();

Class methods can be attached directly to a class and do not need an

instantiated object to work. Use the 'static' modifier when you create

class methods. A class method is called as follows:


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